Hiking Made Easy – Do you know what is scrambling in hiking? No? Don’t worry, we covered everything in this article.

If you are up for hiking in the mountains of the Western countryside, It is likely to get through spots which you can’t cross by walking. Where you have to use your hands and feet to put your whole weight on them to get through the steeper terrains. 

If you are new to the mountain world, you might know what is rock climbing, but you need to know what is scrambling in hiking. This new term of scrambling might dazzle you, but don’t worry. It’s quite different from egg scrambling. 

It’s the use of your hands and sometimes along with your feet when traversing steep areas. You can also take it as a middle ground between hillwalking and rock climbing. 

So, if you ask me what is scrambling in hiking and how difficult it is, I would simply answer you that it is more arduous than hillwalking but easier than rock climbing. Moreover, the level of difficulty varies with different hiking terrains, and they are usually segregated by scrambling grades. 

If you are striving to be a mountaineer or just a beginner in the hiking world and want to continue to be better at it, you should have a complete guide on what is scrambling in hiking and how and when you should use this technique for the summit of mountains. 

This will increase the joy of your hiking experience tremendously and with more splendid views. Trails in a single mountain usually range from easier to difficult tracks that might require the use of your hands or, in severe cases, vertical cliff faces.

Rules for Scrambling in Hiking

what is scrambling in hiking

If you are yet unaware of what is scrambling in hiking, now is going to be a change for you. This article surely makes you an expert at scrambling with these basic tips and a complete guide on what is scrambling in hiking. Just follow our rules and set off for your dreamy adventurous journey. 

Know Your Route

The first rule to be in the mountains is to never be over-smart with your skills and never take unnecessary risks on trails. 

Do a complete guide on which route you are going to follow, what you will be facing over there, and in case of any calamity, what route you should follow to return to the ground. This is especially if it’s your first time knowing what is scrambling in hiking. 

No matter how smart you are, nature always has something in store which is smarter than you.

Break-in Your Boots

Never make the mistake of wearing brand new boots while getting on hiking. I have written a comprehensive article on how to break into your new hiking boots. I suggest you read it if you are new to the hiking world. 

Or else just set off your journey with your old boots that are fully built according to your feet and give you comfortable wear. 

Know Your hand-holds and Foot Placements

This is the most technical step to know if you are learning what is scrambling in hiking. All your success at scrambling lies in the decision you take to lift your body weight to the right placement of your hands and feet. Some rocks may look inviting but aren’t strong enough to carry your weight. 

Once you set yourself on them, they fall away. So before moving forward and leaving your previous strong point, test your next handhold and foot placement by putting your half weight on the rock. If they carry it well, move on it or else find another strong spot of the rock.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

The foremost rule in encountering what is scrambling in hiking is to be slow, quiet, and steady with your journey in the mountains. Enjoy yourself, take everything easy, don’t rush,  make smooth decisions, and carry on your journey with caution and care so you will be less likely to make any mistake.  

Downward Track

If you ask mountaineers about their experience, you will get the insight that downward tracks are usually more difficult than upward ones. 

In simpler words, reaching the summit point is easier than coming back from the summit to the main point. It might be because of the fatigue or tiredness, or pull of gravity that makes you fall downward. So, be more careful when moving downward and try to take a less tricky path if possible. 

What is Scrambling in Hiking in Terms of Grades?

what is scrambling in hiking

Scrambling is not just a diminutive term for using your hands to hike on a mountain. It holds a broader vision when you are talking about larger mountains or talking to skillful mountaineers. 

If you ask the mountaineer about what is scrambling in hiking, he will respond to your question by describing different grades of scrambling. And here, I am also going to illustrate all these grades of hiking which are based on the level of difficulty while trekking. 

Grade One – Simple Rock Scrambling

The kind of scrambling that is included in grade one is usually the easiest one. It requires the use of both hands and feet. This experience proved to be fascinating and thrilling. Grade one scrambling is comparatively easy and less dangerous than scrambling of upper grades. 

Though the efforts are real ones, especially for beginners. But when you are done with your grade one scrambling, it rewards you with the most exhilarating, breathtaking panoramic view that will wash away all your exhaustion. 

If it’s your first-time scramble experience, don’t forget to have a complete guide on what is scrambling in hiking and all the related things that completely change the experience of your difficult journey. 

What is scrambling in hiking feel like when you are upon a grade 1 track, usually a straightforward route with unavoidable hurdles that need the practice of both hands and feet. However, grade 1 scrambling is usually an exposed walking route.

Grade Two – Mild Rock Scrambling

As the number is moving toward a higher range, so is the difficulty rising in scrambling. But it doesn’t cast you out of the mountains. With a little more effort, you are going to pass this test of what is scrambling in hiking and will be rewarded with an incredible view. 

Grade two scrambling often resembles rock climbing but is a kind of simple one. There is a blurred line between both of them. It means you will be in a state of climbing steep rocks. As the grade two scrambling is tougher and more daring, so is the view you are going to get after it. 

Before promoting yourself to the grade two kind of scrambling, you first need to be a good one with grade one scrambling. This is a kind of scrambling. One must not take a risk while the first time of his learning what is scrambling in hiking.

Again, if you are having a grade two scrambling on your trail. Take things easy and slowly. Move with caution, and it’s better if you let someone lead who has experienced greater than you in what is scrambling in hiking. 

One of the most important things in grade two of scrambling is the type of footwear and clothes. I have illustrated it in another article, what you should wear on your hiking in both hot and cold weather.  

Grade Three – Advanced Rock Scrambling

Only experienced climbers and mountaineers are advised to attempt grade three of scrambling. This is the most exposed and steeper terrain that even experienced climbers use ropes to get through the terrain. 

What is scrambling in hiking a grade three trail feels like climbing from rock to rock with the help of ropes. This is the most advanced form of scrambling, and one can have a hold of it only through a lot of practice in grade one and grade two scrambling. 

If anyone knows rock climbing but has no idea of what is scrambling in hiking, you can pass the information that the grade three scrambling is basically known as a moderately graded route, the easiest climbing grade. 

So, you can guess that scrambling is really tough because you have to tie yourself with ropes to cross the path, while in terms of climbing, it is the easiest one. 

If you have never been in grade three scrambling during your hiking experience and now is your first time to be there. I’d advise you to visit your local climbing wall and have some practice there. It gave you a huge experience of grade three scrambling before you set off a feal journey. 

Some Important Tips and Tricks of What is Scrambling in Hiking

what is scrambling in hiking

Here are some tidbits that one should know when setting off for an adventurous journey. These tips will save you from a lot of obstacles that come between you and your hiking.

Don’t Bother Buying Scrambling Kits

When you are a beginner at mountaineering or seeking stuff for your adventurous journey, you are going to meet a lot of people who will advise you to buy this or that to commemorate your journey. 

But if you ask me, to start a journey, all you need is a good pair of completely break-in boots that carry you around with ease. Don’t burden yourself with any extra baggage than wouldn’t be needed on your route because this would undermine the beauty of your hiking experience. 

One can’t stroll easily while having a heavy backpack on his shoulder. So, if you got to know what is scrambling in hiking and now you are going to test it, wear your easy clothes and joggers and move on. 

Must Bring Your Guidebook With You

As I already mentioned. Never be over smart with your skills, and do complete homework before you dare tackle what is scrambling in hiking. And when you are on the routes of your mountain, there are chances of losing a track or any other obstacle that forces you to change your route. 

For some circumstances, it is essential to have a guidebook or map with you. Though a lot of information can be available online about scrambling routes on the mountains, they too won’t help when you are halfway on the mountain and don’t know where to move next. And there is also a chance that your cell phone will have no GPS.

People have done all the hard work for you. So, get yourself a guidebook, read it, and follow the instructions. It explains all the severity and grading of scrambling routes. 

When it’s your first time experiencing what is scrambling in hiking, you might not want to tackle what you haven’t been prepared for. The harder and steeper route of scrambling track for which you have no previous practice might erode your hiking journey. 

What to Do if the Trail Disappears?

Even if you are following your guidebook, there are chances that you might lose track. Some guidebooks are vague or might be old, and now the routes have been changed, or for some unknown reasons, the trail has disappeared. 

In such stances, look out for a sign of a route that is most traveled. The sign includes the polish on the rock because visitors’ feet or crampon scratches or anything that indicates the presence of travelers.

Things to Do in Winter

what is scrambling in hiking

Though summer hikes hold their importance, when we come to what is scrambling in hiking, it can be taken place in all weathers. Even for me, winter hikes are more adventurous. 

But winter needs some extra clothing layers and stuff because the temperature of the summit may vary in different regions. 

In winter, you are going to need some high-end gloves, a hat, a jacket, and an extra layer of kit. And if there is snow on the ground, there is no chance of scrambling. Here you need to know another skill of winter mountaineering, which is dangerous and exciting at the same time.